Creating change and opportunity for new Black Homeowners in the South Seattle, South King and North Pierce Counties.
What is Black Home Initiative?
Black Home Initiative (BHI) is a new regional effort that seeks to target the racial inequities at the core of the housing ecosystem in an effort to increase homeownership among Black households.
Photo by Bill Wright
Discriminatory housing practices such as redlining and racially restrictive covenants have a long history in the Seattle-Tacoma region.
Their harmful impacts have been exacerbated by the current shortage of affordable housing and our area's red-hot growth. Today’s homeownership gap directly reflects the persistence of this systemic discrimination.
Tacoma data: U.S. Census, American Community Survey (2015-2019 PUMS data set). Seattle data: The Racial Wealth Divide in Seattle (2021 scorecard data). Retrieved from www.prosperitynow.org.
BHI partner highlight
Washington Homeownership Resource Center (WHRC)
The mission of the Washington Homeownership Resource Center (WHRC) is to increase and preserve homeownership in Washington state by educating and empowering current and future homeowners.